While I wasn't present during the class discussion last week, I at least got a flavor for your conversation based on your blog posts. Our discussions about behaviorism and self-efficacy shaped my interpretation of three experiences during my trip to DC. I believe that your posts tie into these experiences as well.
Experience 1: Navigation in DC
I drove to DC. Complications aplenty delayed my departure, which meant instead of driving during the day in the rain, I would be primarily driving during the night in the rain. I HATE driving in rain at night. It causes me anxiety primarily because I do not feel confident in my night vision in the rain. This baseline anxiety grew for multiple reasons: I was getting tired, there was salt all over the road and I worried that my washer fluid would run out, the headlights on the car I was driving are more dim than my typical car, and the route that I chose involves a stretch of 2-lane road with lots of semis at night. My perceived self efficacy was tanking. Add to this that my phone battery power was not sufficient to keep Google Maps up and running for the entirety of the trip, so I felt like I was driving basically blind. Let's just say I was really glad for the glass of wine my friend had waiting for me when I finally arrived. Despite decades of experience with driving, the context of this experience with driving, complicated by increasing levels of anxiety impacted my perceived efficacy.
This is in stark contrast to navigating within DC over the following 5 days. I previously lived in the city for 6 months and was very comfortable finding my way by foot and Metro. High self-efficacy in finding my way given experiences of success. Even if I took a train in the wrong direction occasionally, I could easily correct for this and had not perceived anxiety related to way-finding.
Experience 2: Laundry and Dishes...the Man Child
My friend is an old friend. We grew up together and I know her family well. This includes her older brother. Over dinner, she was perplexed by the idea that her brother does not do his own laundry or cook. This is despite the fact that he is single. His mom and ex-wife do these tasks. WHAT?! I suggested to her that he doesn't have to do these things because he knows they will be done for him -- Shamu anyone? While one could say that he may have low self-efficacy for these traditionally female tasks, I would agree with Ryan's suggestion of value-related behavior. Why would there be high value placed on jobs that other people are going to do for you? This man has no reason to develop efficacy for these tasks.
As a connected aside, a labmate of mine who was also in DC was daydreaming about growing up with a mom who did everything for everyone. She said, "I wish I could go back to my house with the magic sink. I put dirty dishes in it, and they always came out clean the next day!" My friend's brother has a magic sink and washing machine!
Experience 3: Parenting in a Restaurant
"I mean it. This is your last chance!" I was sharing brunch with my husband who came to DC during my last day so we could share the drive home. While this might seem lame, it's the only way to spend that much time together these days! During our meal, there was a young family at the next table: mom, dad, son (maybe 5) and daughter (maybe 2). Let's just say, mom gave son more that one last chance to stop picking on his sister. He had clearly had this experience in the past with his mom. And based on her rising tone of voice, she had too! Her method of correction did little to motivate change. Or maybe the response from her was his motivation. Nonetheless, I am certain that he had a great time, and she needed to order another mimosa. While this common exchange may have low stakes in the scope of this child, it is not difficult to imagine an educational setting with more than one child who has a similar frame of mind to this youngster, informed by experience that a "last chance" is really not that big of a deal. I have not conclusion to this experience. Just an observation that I made.
I look forward to re-joining the class this evening!