Thursday, February 14, 2019

Spreading feelings of self-efficacy too thin

While I listened into class last week, I was ill and have a very hazy memory of the discussion. I do remember that the discussion on Ziye’s post about success stuck out to me specifically in relation to schooling context. However, I also continue to wonder (from my post last week) the difference between success and feeling successful and how that translates to action. When I was young, my parents pushed me to try many different activities in an effort to keep me “well-rounded”. Because of this, I have a long resume of activities/subjects that I am okay at (thus relatively successful), but not excellent at in order to continue practicing them. This “well-rounded”, “jack-of-all-trades” mentality helped me get into college, sure, but it left me very lost as to what to continue to pursue. Is there a way to truly be a “renaissance learner” and manage feelings of self-efficacy well or is there a limit?

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